
Whilst the age of the blog seems to have given way to the age of the podcast, there are still a number of blogs and websites that offer invaluable resources and help for the Christian life. While we have found these sites very helpful, we may not always agree with everything they say.


“9Marks exists to equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches. To that end, we want to see churches characterized by nine marks of health.” The 9Marks site contains many resources which aim to serve the Church, with particular focus on the nine marks of a healthy church.

Tim Challies is a writer/speaker from Canada who has been blogging daily for quite a number of years now. His content is practical and very helpful – in particular his series of posts offering commentary recommendations for every book of the Bible.

Credo Magazine

This is an online magazine discussing theological and cultural issues, with lots of helpful articles and videos to help you expand your theological knowledge.

Desiring God

Originally founded by John Piper, Desiring God now hosts thousands of articles and thought pieces collected over a number of years. There is something here for everyone – a particular highlight is the video series “Look at the Book” where John Piper exegetes a passage and encourages deep and engaged Bible study.


We are an affiliate of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches so it makes sense for us to link here, but the FIEC site is also full of useful articles and resources for smaller independent churches, in addition to regular updates about the work being done in and around Scotland, England and Wales.

Living Out

Living Out was founded by Sam Allberry, Ed Shaw and and Sean Doherty – three Christian leaders who experience same-sex attraction. The website provides resources, question-and-answers, and videos to encourage those Christians who experience same-sex attraction and help them honour God, as well as to educate the Church to love and support their brothers and sisters.

SOLAS Centre for Public Christianity

Based in Scotland, the SOLAS Centre for Public Christianity contains a variety of resources, including podcasts and videos, to help you share your faith with those around you.


Together for the Gospel is a conference by pastors for pastors, headed by American evangelical heavyweights such as John Piper, Mark Dever, Thabiti Anyabwile among others. Their biannual conferences are recorded and the lectures are full of valuable wisdom for all Christians, not just pastors.

The Bible Project

“The Bible Project is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create videos, podcasts, and study guides that explore the Bible’s unified story.” The videos produced by The Bible Project are really helpful and cover everything from word studies to overviews of books of the Bible.

The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition puts out a staggering amount of content every day: it is a treasure trove full of riches. Book reviews, film reviews, short videos with round table discussions, articles, opinion pieces – the list goes on. Highlights include:

  • TGC Courses – free online content to broaden your Biblical and theological knowledge. These courses cover church history, pastoral theology, New Testament, Old Testament, doctrine and more.
  • Wit’s End – Melissa Kruger is the only featured blogger who is not a man on TGC, and her blog shows why! Often she posts interviews with other writers, and encouragement for all Christians, but particularly women.
  • Nine Things You Should Know – from time to time, Joe Carter writes these helpful posts to analyse a particularly pertinent topic or situation.

The New City Catechism

Learning catechism in Reformed circles seems to have gone out of fashion over the past hundred years or so, but this project from The Gospel Coalition seeks to change that. This helpful resources is available across a number of media with editions suitable for all ages and stages.


An excellent resource for the hardened theologian, Themelios is a long-running theological journal that is now only available online.

Truth For Life

Scottish pastor Alastair Begg heads up this Bible teaching ministry. The radio/podcast programmes are their main output, but Truth For Life also provide a wide variety of books at cost value, as well as daily reading helps and articles.